MyWorldWeb Web Services Now Offers The Lowest Cost For Starter Websites
Looking for a new websites can be a little like the wild wild west, it seems that everyone offers low cost websites. Most offer you the tools but ends up being a DIY project. MyWorld Web Web Services is now offering the true low cost for business to be online. The Business webPAGE is the answer, the title may state a webpage however using techniques implemented by their web designers, your site has the look of a much larger website with numerous pages. This is accomplished by placing all of the business owners content, description, images and logos in one location on their web server allowing easy placement then using multiple codes.
End result is a clean looking webpage that visitors can click around the business owner’s site and because of the things that make a website work is located in one small location, its very cost effective, by passing on the savings to their customer and the time saved by the business owner of not having to do most of the work, it becomes one of the best and lowest cost for a web presence. The starting cost for the webpage is $120. 00 a year which includes hosting and firewall security. Your should add your own domain name to have a fully polished look and feel. the plans also offer add-on like allowing the business owner to accept credit card payments, full contact and other useful forms, apps and others nice adds.
To view all plans, please visit MyWorldWeb Website and Webpages